We go into session number three knowing it’s going to be difficult: we pretty much agreed at the start of the course forgiveness could be the hardest of the habits to practice. As we were divided into groups to discuss what forgiveness ‘is’ and ‘isn’t’ at the start of this session, people were still generally unanimous in thinking this way. We also found that forgiveness is not quick: there’s generally a lot of work involved. We looked at the case of a priest, Fr. Michael Lapsley, who had been the recipient of a letter bomb; which took both of his hands and one of his eyes. The blast also shattered his ear drums. As the letter bomb was carefully disguised in-between some religious magazines, it was clear that this attack was calculated, and deliberately aimed at Lapsley. Lapsley described original feelings of “hatred and desire for revenge”, but went onto say that nowadays if his attacker was to confront him and ask for forgiveness, his first question would be “have you stopped...